The System-Wide Assessment and Monitoring Program (SWAMP) has been envisioned as a long-term monitoring program to ensure a comprehensive network of coastal data collection activities is in place to support the development, implementation, and adaptive management of the coastal protection and restoration program within coastal Louisiana. I helped to finalize the version IV plan that relied heavily on the use of existing data (including water quality data), thus, coordination with other agencies (e.g., LDEQ, LDWF) and CPRA’s existing monitoring programs (e.g., BICM, CRMS) was critical to the plan’s success. Implementation of the plans will require development of quality control and quality assurance protocols, specific standardized operating procedures for each of the data collection efforts, a data management plan, and a reporting framework to contribute to decision making and reducing uncertainty in management actions. More information can be found here.

System-Wide Assessment & Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Version IV


2023 ICM-Wetlands, Vegetation, and Soils Model Improvements


Climate Change Effects on Coastal Landscapes