
Please see my google scholar link here for my latest publications.

·       Schoolmaster, D.R., Stagg, C.L., Creamer, C., Laurenzano, C., Ward, E.J., Waldrop, M.J., Baustian, M.M., Aw, T.G., Merino, S., Villani, R., and L. Scott. 2022. A model of the spatiotemporal dynamics of soil carbon following coastal wetland loss applied to a Louisiana salt marsh in the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain. JGR Biogeosciences.

·       Mavrommati, G. and Baustian, M.M. 2022. Linking water purification and waste treatment to human wellbeing. The Encyclopedia of Conservation: Imperiled Ecosystems and Species. Elsevier.

·       La Peyre, M.K., Sable, S., Taylor, C., Kiskaddon, E., and M.M. Baustian. 2021.  Effects of sample gear on estuarine fish assemblage assessments and food web models. Ecological Indicators.

·        Carruthers, T.J., Kiskaddon, E., Baustian, M.M., Darnell, K.M., Moss, L., Perry, C.L., and C. Stagg. 2021. Tradeoffs in habitat value to maximize natural resource benefits from coastal restoration in a rapidly eroding wetland: is monitoring land area sufficient? Restoration Ecology.

·         Wiesenburg, D.A., Shipp, B. Wilson, C., Fodrie, J., Powers, S., Latrigue, J., Darnell, K.M., Baustian, M.M., Ngo, C., Valentine, J.F. and K. Wowk. 2021. Prospects for Gulf of Mexico Environmental Recovery and Restoration. Oceanography.

·         Baustian, M.M., Stagg, C.L, Perry, C.L., Moss, L.C., and Carruthers, T.J.B. 2021. Long-term carbon sinks in marsh soils of the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain are at risk to wetland loss.

·         Barra, M., Hemmerling, S and Baustian, M.M. 2020. A model controversy: Using environmental competency groups to inform coastal restoration planning in Louisiana. Professional Geographer.

·         N.N. Rabalais and Baustian, M.M. 2020. Historical shifts in benthic infaunal diversity in the northern Gulf of Mexico since the appearance of seasonally severe hypoxia.  Diversity.

·         Baustian, M.M., Brooks, Y.M., Baskaran, M., Liu, B., Ostrom, N.E., Stevenson, R.J. and J.B. Rose. 2020.  Paleo-environmental examination of human-driven ecosystem change in Lake St. Clair region of Laurentian Great Lakes basin. Journal of Paleolimnology.

·         Baustian, M.M, Jung, H., Bienn, H., Barra, M., Hemmerling, S. Wang, Y., White, E., and E. Meselhe. 2020. Engaging coastal community members about natural and nature-based solutions and assessing their ecosystem functions. Ecological Engineering.

·         Meselhe, E., Wang, Y., White, E., Jung, H., Baustian, M.M., Hemmerling, S.A., Barra, M., and H. Bienn. 2020. Knowledge-Based predictive tools to assess effectiveness of natural and nature-based solutions for coastal restoration and protection planning. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 146(2):

·         Hemmerling, S.A., Barra, M., Bienn, H.C., Baustian, M.M., Jung, H., Meselhe, E., Wang, Y. and E. White. 2019. Elevating local knowledge through participatory modeling: Active community engagement in restoration planning in coastal Louisiana. Journal of Geographical Systems.

·         Baustian, M.M. Meselhe, E., Jung, H., Sadid, K, Duke- Sylvester, S., Visser, J., Allison, M., Moss, L., Ramatchandirane, C, van Maren, B., Jeuken, M., and Bargu, S. 2018. Development of an Integrated Biophysical Model to represent morphological and ecological processes in a changing deltaic and coastal ecosystem. Environmental Modeling and Software. 109:402-419.

·         Baustian, M.M., Bargu, S., Rabalais, N.N, and W.L. Morrison. 2018. The polychaete, Paraprionospio pinnata, is a likely vector of domoic acid to the benthic food web in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Harmful Algae. 79:44-49.

·         Stagg, C., Baustian, M.M., Perry, C., Carruthers, T. and Hall, C. 2018.  Direct and indirect controls on organic matter decomposition in four coastal wetland communities along a landscape salinity gradient. Journal of Ecology. 106:655-670.

·         Baustian, M.M., Clark, R. Jerabek, A.S., Wang, Y. Bienn, H.C., White, E.D. 2018.  Modeling current and future freshwater inflow needs of a subtropical estuary to manage and maintain forested wetland ecological conditions. Ecological Indicators. 85:791-807.

·         Price, A., Baustian, M.M., Turner, R.E. Rabalais, N.N., Chmura, G. 2017. Dinoflagellate cysts track eutrophication in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts. 41:1322-1336.

·         Baustian, M.M., Stagg, C.L, Perry, C.L., Moss, L.C., Carruthers, T.J.B., and M. Allison. 2017. Short-term soil carbon accumulation rates from marsh types across a salinity gradient suggest implications of climate change. Wetlands. 37:313-324.

·         Brooks, Y.M., Baustian, M.M., Baskaran, M., Ostrom, N.E. and J. B. Rose. 2016. Historic associations of fecal indicator marker concentrations to anthropogenic activities and climate in freshwater sediment cores. Environmental Science and Technology. 50:6902-6911.

·         Price, A., Baustian, M.M., Turner, R.E. Rabalais, N.N., Chmura, G. 2016. Melitasphaeridium choanophorum – a living dinoflagellate cyst fossil in the Gulf of Mexico. Palynology.  41:351-358.

·         Bargu, S., Baustian, M.M., Rabalais, N.N., Del Rio, R., Von Korff, B., and R.E. Turner. 2016. Influence of the Mississippi River on Pseudo-nitzschia spp. abundance and toxicity in Louisiana coastal waters. Estuaries and Coasts. 39:1345-1356.

·         Baustian, M.M., Hansen, G., de Kluijver, A., Robinson, K., Henry Norton, E., Knoll, L., Rose, K, and C. Carey. 2014. Linking the bottom to the top in aquatic ecosystems: mechanisms and stressors of benthic-pelagic coupling. Invited Eco-DAS X chapter for Association for Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography e-book.

·         Monk, M.H., Baustian, M.M., Saari, C.R., Welsh, S., D’Elia, C., Gaston, S., and J.E. Powers. 2014. EnvironMentors: mentoring at-risk high school students through university partnerships. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education. 9:385-397.

·         Hansen, G.A., Sadro, S., Baustian, M.M., and B. Stauffer. 2014. Shifting career pathways of Ph.D. ecologists: Is it time to redefine the “alternative” career? Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin. 23:2-5.

·         Baustian, M.M., Mavrommati, G., Dreelin, E.A., Esselman, P., Schultze, S., Qian, L. Aw, T.G Luo, L. and J.B. Rose. 2014. A one hundred year review of the socioeconomic and ecological systems in Lake St. Clair, North America. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 40:15-26.

·         Mavrommati, G., Baustian, M.M. and E. Dreelin. 2013. Coupling Socioeconomic and Lake Systems for Sustainability: A Conceptual Analysis Using Lake St. Clair Region as a Case Study. Ambio 43:275-287.

·         Baustian, M.M., Rabalais, N.N., Morrison, W.L. and R.E. Turner. 2013. Microphytobenthos along the Louisiana continental shelf during mid-summer hypoxia. Continental Shelf Research.52:108-118.

·         Baustian, M.M., Rabalais, N.N., Morrison, W.L. and R.E. Turner. 2011. Seasonal microphytobenthos on the hypoxic northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 436:51–66.

·         Qian, S.S., Craig, J.K., Baustian, M.M. and N.N. Rabalais. 2009. A Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach for analyzing observational data from marine ecological studies. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 58:1916–1921.

·         Baustian, M.M., Craig, J.K. and N.N. Rabalais. 2009.  Effects of summer 2003 hypoxia on macrobenthos and Atlantic croaker foraging selectivity in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology.  381:S31-S37.

·         Baustian, M.M. and N.N. Rabalais. 2009. Seasonal composition of benthic macroinfauna exposed to hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts. 32:975–983.

·         Baustian, M.M., Bentley, S.J. and J.H. Wandersee. 2008. Innovative assessment tools for a short, fast-paced, summer field course. Journal of College Science Teaching. 37:37-43.

·         Millman, M., Teichberg, M, Martinetto, P and I. Valiela.  2002. Response of shrimp populations to land-derived nitrogen in Waquoit Bay. Biological Bulletin. 203:263-264