
Collecting water samples in coastal Louisiana.

Welcome to my website! I am a research biologist that studies the water quality and benthic ecology of aquatic habitats. Most of my current research is focused in the northern Gulf of Mexico. I have also studied lakes and rivers in Iowa, estuaries of Cape Cod, and the Laurentian Great Lakes. I enjoy collaborating on research projects and translating science for various coastal stakeholders. I am also passionate about mentoring early career scientists.

My education background consists of:

Doctor of Philosophy, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA                    

Major: Oceanography and Coastal Sciences              

Dissertation title: Microphytobenthos of the northern Gulf of Mexico hypoxic area and their role in oxygen dynamics

Minor:  Science Education

Master of Science, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA

Major: Oceanography and Coastal Sciences              

Thesis title: Benthic communities in the northern Gulf of Mexico hypoxic area: potential prey for demersal fish

Bachelor of Science, Iowa State University, Ames, IA

Major: Biology

My research positions include:

2022-Present             U.S. Geological Survey, Wetland and Aquatic Research Center                                                                  

Research Biologist

My current staff profile is here

2013-2022              The Water Institute of the Gulf                                                                     

Coastal Ecologist

o    Senior Scientist, February 2020 – October 2022

o    Research Scientist III, February 2017 – January 2020

o    Research Scientist II, October 2013 – January 2017

 2017-2022               RESTORE Act Center of Excellence for Louisiana                 

Director, 2018 - 2022

Deputy Director, 2017-2018

2015-Present               Louisiana State University, Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences    

Adjunct Faculty

2011-2013                   Michigan State University, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Center for Water Sciences                                             

Post-doctoral Research Associate

2010-2011                   EnvironMentors, Louisiana State University                                  


2005-2011                   Louisiana State University & Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium             

Graduate Research Associate (Ph.D.)

2003-2005                  Louisiana State University & Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium             

Graduate Research Associate (M.S.)

2002-2003                  Iowa State University, Limnology Laboratory                                                            

Undergraduate Research Associate (B.S.)

June - August 2002    Boston University Marine Program                                                                        

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)

2001-2002                   Iowa State University, Limnology Laboratory                                                            

Research Technician